물리치료학의 역사
1. 물리치료학의 태동과 변화
고대부터 여러 물리적 인자들(전기, 광선, 물, 열, 냉, 수기, 운동)을 민간요법으로 사용하여 왔다. BC 460년 경 Hippocrates와 Galenus 등은 massage, manual therapy techniques와 hydrotherapy 등으로 사람들을 치료했다고 전해진다.
1813년 스웨덴의 Per Henrik Ling(“Father of Swedish Gymnastics”)이 the Royal Central Institute of Gymnastics (RCIG)를 설립하여 massage, manipulation과 exercise 등을 가르쳤다.
Per Henrik Ling
1887년 Sweden의 National Board of Health and Welfare에 “Physical therapist”를 공식등록(official registration)되었다.
1894년 네 명의 영국 간호사가 Chartered Society of Physiotherapy를 설립하였다
1913년 New Zealand의 University of Otago에 The School of Physiotherapy를 설립하였다.
1914년 미국 Oregon, Portland의 Reed College에 물리치료 교육과정이 설립되었고, 그 당시 "reconstruction aides"라 불렸던 치료사들을 교육하기 시작하였다.
1900년대 초 소아마비(poliomyelitis)의 유행으로 물리적 인자(physical agent)를 이용한 물리치료가 치료적 중재(therapeutic intervention)의 전문영역으로 활용됨
1914~1918년 1차 세계대전(World War I)으로 물리치료가 새로운 변혁을 겪음. 군내 내 속성 교육 프로그램 개설 후 미국 내 14개 주에 교육프로그램 개설. 미국 군인 외과병원에 신체재건(physical reconstruction) 영역 설립. 물리치료, 작업치료, 교육, 취미, 직업 훈련 등을 시행. 물리치료로는 수치료, 전기치료, 기계적 치료, 능동운동, 게임, 마사지 등을 시행. 1차 세계대전 후 물리치료의 관심은 전투력의 회복과 유지에서 산업장에서 생산능력을 유지하는 쪽으로 전환됨
1910년대 영국에서 교육받은 Mary McMillan이 미국으로 와서 정규 물리치료프로그램을 시작함. Mary McMillan은 공식적인 미국의 첫 번째 물리치료사로 인정받았고, “Mother of modern physical therapy"라고 불림.
Mary McMillan
1921년 American Women's Physical Therapeutic Association이 설립되고 Mary McMillan을 초대 회장으로 선출(1947년 American Physical Therapy Association으로 변경)
1939~1945년 2차 세계대전(World War Ⅱ)동안 물리치료사의 수요가 급격히 증가하여 군병원, 사병원, 각 학교에서 물리치료사 양성과정이 급격히 생겨남.
1979년 메릴랜드(Maryland)주에서 최초로 물리치료사에 의해 치료를 하기 전에 의사의 의뢰가 필요하다는 법조문을 폐지하였다. 이때부터 일반인이 의사를 거치지 않고 면허가 있는 물리치료사에게 직접방문(direct access: DA)을 할 수 있게 되었고 현재 대부분의 주에서 DA가 허용되고 있다. DA는 미국뿐만 아니라 유럽, 아시아 국가에서도 가능해졌으며 최근 인도네시아도 2003년부터 DA가 가능해졌으나 한국은 아직 DA가 이루어지지 못하고 있다.
2002년 이후 학부과정의 물리치료 교육과정은 없어지고 물리치료학 박사과정(Doctor of Physical Therapy: DPT)의 교육으로 전환됨
2. 물리치료학의 시대적 변화
1921년 Mary McMillan은 물리치료를 마사지, 치료적운동, 전기치료, 수치료를 포함한 네 분야라고 기술하였으나 시대가 지나면서 물리치료학의 학문적 발전과 시대적 요구, 환경 변화 등에 따라 크게 발전해 왔다.
제 1세대 First Era
Focus on dysfunction of the peripheral neuromuscular and musculoskeletal systems
두 차례의 세계대전에서 발생한 전쟁 부상자와 소아마비로 인해 발생한 말초 신경근계와 근골격계의 기능부전(dysfunction)이 있는 환자들을 대상으로 물리치료가 시행되던 시대이다. 기능 부전의 정도를 평가하기 위하여 도수근력검사(manual muscle testing)라는 정량적 평가방법을 사용하였다. 물리치료사가 진단이나 치료를 결정하기 보다는 의사의 진단에 따라 치료를 시행하였다. 소아마비 치료를 위해 신장운동(stretching exercise)과 보조기 착용을 이용한 관절 가동범위 유지, 근력 강화 운동 등이 중요한 치료내용이었다.
근육과 관절의 완전성(integrity)을 유지하기 위한 신전운동, 근력강화 운동, 기능 훈련이 초점이 되었던 시대.
제 2세대 Second Era
Focus on central nervous system dysfunction
전쟁의 종료, 소아마비 백신의 발명으로 물리치료의 관심영역이 중추신경계 손상환자인 뇌졸중(stroke), 두부 또는 척수손상(head or spinal cord injury), 뇌성마비(cerebral palsy)로 전환되었다. 중추신경계 기능부전에 의한 증상을 치료하기 위해 이전의 검사방법과 치료기법들이 더 이상 받아들여지지 않았다(stretching exercise, MMT 등). 신경계 기능부전환자의 손상기전이 밝혀져 있지 않아 지료 지침(guideline)이 있는 적절한 치료방법이 확립되지는 않았고 임상가 개개인의 경험과 신념에 기초한 치료체계가 개발되었다.
이 당시 개발된 신경발달치료(neurodevelopmental treatment; NDT), 고유수용성 신경근 촉진법(proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation; PNF), 보이타 치료(Vojta), 브룬스트롬 접근법(Brunnstrom approach), 루드 접근법(Rood approach)등이 대표적인 치료기법이다. 중추신경계 기능부전의 결과로 발생한 운동문제에 대한 병태생리학은 그 당시 명백히 밝혀지지 않았다.
물리치료사들은 중추신경계 운동손상에 관여하는 기전에 대한 설명을 찾기 위한 노력으로 1976년 NUSTEP conference(the Northwestern University Special Therapeutic Exercise Project)를 개최하기도 하였으나 중추신경계관련 운동송신의 병태생리적 기전이 밝혀지지 않아 치료법의 기전이나 효과를 밝히는데 어려움이 있었다.
그러나 이 시대동안 효과적인 인체의 움직임을 위해서는 신경계의 조절기능이 매우 필수적이라는 사실이 명백해졌다.
제 3세대 Third era
Focus on joint dysfunction
1980년대에 들어서면서부터 수기치료(manual therapy) 방법들이 물리치료에 소개되고, 근골격통증(musculoskeletal pain)이 있는 환자를 관절기능(joint function)에 기초한 평가와 치료기법으로 접근하기 시작하였다.
이들 기법들은 부수관절운동(accessory joint motion) 검사와 치료를 사용하여 그와 관련된 통증을 치료하는 것으로 관절가동법(joint mobilization)과 관절조작법(manipulation)등의 여러 가지 수기치료를 적용하는 것이다.
James Cyriax, Maitland, Kaltenborn, McKenzie등의 임상가들이 개발한 치료법들은 근력강화를 위해 사용했던 기존의 일반적 치료방법에서 완전히 탈피한 새로운 치료체계를 개척하였다. 이로 인하여 물리치료사의 역할에 변화가 생겼는데, 의사의 진단에 근거하여 처방된 치료를 하는 수동적인 방법에서 벗어나 물리치료사가 통증의 근원을 결정하기 위하여 관절을 검사하고 그것에 기초해 치료를 실시하게 되었다.
제 4세대 Current era
Focus on the movement system
1990년대에 접어들면서 근골격계 통증환자들은 물리치료를 받는 환자들의 가장 대표적인 고객이 되었다. 물리치료의 지속적인 발전으로 움직임(movement)이 물리치료 서비스의 중심으로 대두되었고, 운동기능부전(movement dysfunction)이 물리치료 중재(intervention)의 초점이 되어야 할 근본문제로 강조되었다.
물리치료의 내용이 일시적인 통증 완화치료 또는 통증이나 기능 부전의 원인(source)을 찾는 것에서 벗어나 근골격계, 심호흡계, 생역학적요소(biomechanical element), 대사계(metabolic system) 등을 종합적으로 평가하여 통증이나 기능부전의 원인(cause)을 규명하여 그 원인을 제거하는 적극적인 치료접근법으로 발전해가고 있다.
3. 한국 물리치료의 역사
1949년 미국 감리교 선교사인 Thelma B. Maw (한국명, 모우숙) 여사가 한국에 파송되어 세브란스병원에서 국내 최초로 서구식 물리치료를 일반인에게 제공함
1950년 6.25 전쟁 중 전투력 유지와 부상병 재활을 위해 군대 내 물리치료 양성과정이 생겨 9개월의 단기 과정을 거친 후 부상군인에게 물리치료를 제공
1959년 캐나다 장로교 선교사인 Marion E. Current (한국명, 구애련. 한국 물리치료와 작업치료의 어머니) 여사가 세브란스병원으로 파송되어 물리치료 서비스를 제공하였고, 1967년 물리치료사 양성프로그램을 시작하였다(이 프로그램은 교육 과정을 인정받지 못해 3년 후 폐쇄되었다.)
모우숙 선생님과 구애련 교수님
1963년 고려대학교 병설 의학초급대학에 물리치료과가 처음 개설되어 정규교육이 시작되었다.
1974년 신구전문대학, 1976년 동남보건대학, 원광보건전문대학, 1977년 대구보건대학, 1978년 광주보건전문대학에 물리치료과가 개설되어 2년제 전문대 과정의 물리치료 교육이 전국에 생겨났다.
1979년 연세대학교 보건학과(재활학 전공)내에 물리치료전공과 작업치료학전공이 개설되어 국내에 최초로 4년제 정규대학 교육이 시작되었다.
1991년 기존의 2년제 전문대학 교육과정이 3년제로 개편되었다.
4. 물리치료 관련 협회 및 학술지
1951년 세계물리치료연맹(World Confederation for Physical Therapy: WCPT)이 창설되었으며 우리나라는 1974년 정식회원국으로 가입하였다.
1965년 대한물리치료사협회를 결성
1980년 대한물리치료사협회의 제안으로 아시아 물리치료연맹(Asian Confederation for Physical Therapy: ACPT)이 결성되었다.
물리치료 관련 유명학술지로는
미국의 Physical Therapy(SCI 등재), 영국의 Physiotherapy, 캐나다의 Physiotherapy Canada, 오스트레일리아의 Australian Journal of Physiotherapy등이 있으며, 국내학술지로는 학술진흥재단 등재지인 한국전문물리치료학회지(Physical Therapy Korea)가 있다.
'과학으로서의 물리치료' 카테고리의 다른 글
How to Read a Paper (0) | 2009.11.09 |
PubMed 개편 안내 (0) | 2009.11.09 |
물리치료의 이론적 모델 (0) | 2009.10.18 |
물리치료(physical therapy)의 정의 (3) | 2009.10.18 |
Physical therapy From Wikipedia (0) | 2009.05.12 |
물리치료(physical therapy)의 정의
최적의 신체적 기능(physical function)을 회복, 발달, 유지시키기 위하여 확립된 이론적 그리고 과학적 기초(theoretical and scientific base)를 바탕으로 광범위하게 임상적으로 적용하는 역동적인 전문영역(dynamic professional area)이다.
▷ 운동장애(movement dysfunction)를 진단(diagnosis)과 관리(management)하고 신체의 기능적 능력을 증진
▷ 운동(movement)과 건강과 관련 있는 최적의 신체적 기능(physical dysfunction) 뿐만 아니 라 최적의 삶의 질(quality of life), 안녕(wellness), 적합성(fitness)을 증진, 유지, 회복
▷ 질병(disease), 장애(disorder), 부상(injury)의 결과로 인하여 발생할 수 있는 손상(impairment), 기능적 제한(functional limitation), 장애의 발생(onset of disability), 증상(symptome)의 진행(progression)을 예방하는 서비스를 제공한다.
즉, 물리치료에서 의미하는 physical이란 용어는 전기치료, 수치료, 마사지와 같은 물리적인 요소에서 신체적인 요소로 변화되었고, 재활이라는 영역에만 물리치료를 제한하지 않고, 치료와 예방적 역할로 변화되어가고 있다. 확립된 이론과 과학적 기초를 바탕으로 과거의 단순한 치료에서 탈피하여 신체의 운동(physical movement)에 관한 진단(diagnosis)과 관리)management)를 담당하는 보건의료 전문직업인으로서의 위치를 담당한다
'과학으로서의 물리치료' 카테고리의 다른 글
How to Read a Paper (0) | 2009.11.09 |
PubMed 개편 안내 (0) | 2009.11.09 |
물리치료의 이론적 모델 (0) | 2009.10.18 |
물리치료학의 역사 (0) | 2009.10.18 |
Physical therapy From Wikipedia (0) | 2009.05.12 |
'Commonly Unique' 카테고리의 다른 글
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학이시습지.... (0) | 2009.07.23 |
Blog 다시 시작합니다 (0) | 2009.05.10 |
'Commonly Unique' 카테고리의 다른 글
오~ 이런 칠판.... (1) | 2009.11.18 |
영웅 박찬호, WS 기간 중 신종 플루.... (0) | 2009.11.10 |
서울 증후군 (0) | 2009.11.09 |
[무료] 재미있는 3D 게임 (0) | 2009.10.15 |
Blog 다시 시작합니다 (0) | 2009.05.10 |
Physical therapy
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Physical therapy Classification and external resources |
This physical therapist is assisting two children withpolio holding on to a rail whilst they exercise their lower limbs. |
Physical therapy (physiotherapy in many English speaking countries) is a health care profession which provides services to individuals and populations to develop, maintain and restore maximum movement and functional ability throughout life. This includes providing services in circumstances where movement and function are threatened by aging, injury, disease or environmental factors. Functional movement is a central element in what it means to be healthy.
Physical therapy is concerned with identifying and maximizing quality of life and movement potential within the spheres of promotion, prevention, treatment/intervention, habilitation and rehabilitation. This encompasses physical, psychological, emotional, and social well being. It involves the interaction between physical therapist (PT), patients/clients, other health professionals, families, care givers, and communities in a process where movement potential is assessed and goals are agreed upon, using knowledge and skills unique to physical therapists.[1] Physical therapy is performed by either a physical therapist (PT) or an assistant (PTA) acting under their direction.[2]
PTs utilize an individual's history and physical examination to arrive at a diagnosis and establish a management plan, and when necessary, incorporate the results of laboratory and imaging studies. Electrodiagnostic testing (e.g. electromyograms and nerve conduction velocity testing) may also be of assistance.[3]
Physical therapy has many specialties including cardiopulmonary, geriatrics, neurologic, orthopaedic and pediatrics to name some of the more common areas. PTs practice in many settings, such as outpatient clinics or offices, inpatient rehabilitation facilities, extended care facilities, private homes, education and research centers, schools, hospices, industrial workplaces or other occupational environments, fitness centers and sports training facilities.[4]
Educational qualifications vary greatly by country. The span of education ranges from some countries having little formal education to others requiring masters and doctoral degrees.
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Physicians like Hippocrates and Hector are believed to have been the first practitioners of a primitive physical therapy, advocating massageand hydrotherapy to treat people in 460 B.C.[5][verification needed] The earliest documented origins of actual physical therapy as a professional group, however, date back to 1894 when four nurses in Great Britain formed the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy.[6] Other countries soon followed and started formal training programs, such as the School of Physiotherapy at the University of Otago in New Zealand in 1913,[7] and the United States' 1914 Reed College in Portland, Oregon, which graduated "reconstruction aides."[8]
Research catalyzed the physical therapy movement. The first physical therapy research was published in the United States in March 1921 in The PT Review. In the same year, Mary McMillan organized the Physical Therapy Association (now called the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA)). In 1924, the Georgia Warm Springs Foundation promoted the field by touting physical therapy as a treatment for Polio.[9]
Treatment through the 1940s primarily consisted of exercise, massage, and traction. Manipulative procedures to the spine and extremity joints began to be practiced, especially in the British Commonwealth countries, in the early 1950s.[10][11] Later that decade, physical therapists started to move beyond hospital based practice, to outpatient orthopedic clinics, public schools, college/universities, geriatric settings (skilled nursing facilities), rehabilitation centers, hospitals, and medical centers.
Specialization for physical therapy in the U.S. occurred in 1974, with the Orthopaedic Section of the APTA being formed for those physical therapists specializing in Orthopaedics. In the same year, the International Federation of Orthopaedic Manipulative Therapy was formed,[12]which has played an important role in advancing manual therapy worldwide ever since.
Specialty areas
Because the body of knowledge of physical therapy is quite large, some PTs specialize in a specific clinical area. While there are many different types of physical therapy,[13], the American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties list seven specialist certifications, including Sports Physical Therapy and Clinical Electrophysiology.[14]Worldwide the six most common specialty areas in physical therapy are:[15]
Cardiovascular and pulmonary rehabilitation physical therapists treat a wide variety of individuals with cardiopulmonary disorders or those who have had cardiac or pulmonary surgery. Primary goals of this specialty include increasing endurance and functional independence. Manual therapy is utilized in this field to assist in clearing lung secretions experienced with cystic fibrosis. Disorders, including heart attacks, post coronary bypass surgery, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and pulmonary fibrosis, treatments can benefit from cardiovascular and pulmonary specialized physical therapists.[15]
Geriatric physical therapy covers a wide area of issues concerning people as they go through normal adult aging, but is usually focused on the older adult. There are many conditions that affect many people as they grow older and include but are not limited to the following: arthritis, osteoporosis, cancer, Alzheimer's disease, hip and joint replacement, balance disorders, incontinence, etc. Geriatric physical therapy helps those affected by such problems in developing a specialized program to help restore mobility, reduce pain, and increase fitness levels.[15]
Neurological physical therapy is a discipline focused on working with individuals who have a neurological disorder or disease. These include Alzheimer's disease, ALS, brain injury, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, spinal cord injury, and stroke. Common impairments associated with neurologic conditions include impairments of; vision, balance, ambulation, activities of daily living, movment, speech and loss of functional independence.[15]
Orthopaedic physical therapists diagnose, manage, and treat disorders and injuries of the musculoskeletal system including rehabilitation after orthopaedic surgery. This specialty of physical therapy is most often found in the out-patient clinical setting. Orthopaedic therapists are trained in the treatment of post-operative orthopedic procedures, fractures, acute sports injuries, arthritis, sprains, strains, back and neck pain, spinal conditions and amputations. Joint and spine mobilization/manipulation, therapeutic exercise, neuromuscular reeducation, hot/cold packs, and electrical muscle stimulation (e.g., cryotherapy, iontophoresis, electrotherapy) are modalities often used to expedite recovery in the orthopedic setting.[16] Additionally, an emerging adjunct to diagnosis and treatment is the use of sonography for diagnosis and to guide treatments such as muscle retraining.[17][18][19] Those who have suffered injury or disease affecting the muscles, bones, ligaments, or tendons of the body will benefit from assessment by a physical therapist specialized in orthopaedics.
Pediatric physical therapy assists in early detection of health problems and uses a wide variety of modalities to treat disorders in the pediatric population. These therapists are specialized in the diagnosis, treatment, and management of infants, children, and adolescents with a variety of congenital, developmental, neuromuscular, skeletal, or acquired disorders/diseases. Treatments focus on improving growth and fine motor skills, balance and coordination, strength and endurance as well as cognitive and sensory processing/integration. Children with developmental delays, cerebral palsy, spina bifida, or torticollis, may be treated by pediatric physical therapists.[15]
Integumentary (treatment of conditions involving the skin and related organs). Common conditions managed include wounds and burns. Physical therapists utilize surgical instruments, mechanical lavage, dressings and topical agents to debride necrotic tissue and promote tissue healing. Other commonly used interventions include exercise, edema control, splinting, and compression garments.
- In the United States, training in physical therapy culminates in a doctor of physical therapy (DPT) degree. A few programs still offer a Masters degree. (MSPT, MPT) All US programs are now transitioning to grant the DPT degree nationwide. There are still many physical therapists currently practicing in the US who were trained with a BSPT degree. Physical therapist education includes clinical internships. All states also require physical therapists to pass the National Physical Therapy Examination before they can practice.[20] Each state regulates licenses for physical therapists independently. According to the American Physical Therapy Association, there were 210 accredited physical therapist programs in 2008–of those 15 offered the Master of Physical Therapy, and 195 offered the Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree. Most programs are in transition to a DPT program.[21]
In the United States, there are approximately 233 accredited two year programs for Physical Therapy Assistants.
- In Iraq, The Physical therapy degree is a master part of orthopaedic surgery board that given by the medical school after the Bs.c degree , so its need full Bs.c degree in medicine ( 6 years )
- In the United Kingdom, university degrees tend to be three rather than four years in length, as British students typically read a two-year A-level course after leaving secondary school at a college of further education before progressing to university level. However, some universities offer a four year part time course, which is open to physiotherapy assistants and technical intructors and involves studying for two days a week and working the remaining three. In order to qualify, students are required to complete 1000 hours of clinically based learning: this typically takes place in the final two years; however, some courses also have clinical placement in the first year. Thirty-five universities and tertiary level institutions train physiotherapists in the UK. The vast majority of physiotherapists work within the National Health Service, the state healthcare system.
- In the Philippines, physical therapy programs are generally 5 years in length and awards the Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy (BSPT) degree upon graduation. The program consists of basic sciences, 2 years of physical therapy subjects and a final year of internship & research/thesis. Some schools require students to complete a full 12 months of internship. During the internship year, students are required to fulfill clinical affiliations with hospitals, outpatient physical therapy clinics, and other healthcare facilities. Due to the healthcare structure in the Philippines, clinics and therapy departments are often headed by a Physiatrist who performs evaluation and writes out specific treatment orders for the PT to follow, and majority of the treatments are cash-based since not a lot of people have health insurance. To be able to secure a license to practice PT in the Philippines, one must be able to pass a grueling licensure examination (board examination) given by Board of Physical Therapist under the supervision of the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC). Under R.A. 5680, successful examinees will be allowed to include P.T.R.P. in their name which stands for Physical Therapist Registered Philippines. Licensure examination for physical therapists in the Philippines is governed by Republic Act 5680, also known as The Philippine Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy Law.
- In Turkey, the Physiotherapy (BPT) education is provided by physiotherapy schools in universities (Hacettepe University, Dokuz Eylül University, İstanbulUniversity, Baskent University, Pamukkale University, Dumlupınar University, Süleyman Demirel University) after high school education. Education takes 4 years or 5 years with preb classes. MSc and Ph.D. education is given by institutes of medical sciences.
- In Bangladesh, the Bachelor of Physiotherapy (BPT) course is provided by the Medicine Faculty of University of Dhaka. There are four affiliated institutes, the Bangladesh Health Professions Institute (BHPI)- the Academic Institute of CRP,the National Institute of Traumatology Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation, the state college of Health sciences and the peoples institute of health sciences which provide 5 years of professional education including a one year mandatory internship. Bangladesh Physiotherapy Association (www.bpa-bd.org)is only internationally recognized professional body, working hard to establish the rights and dignity of the professionals in the country.The Bangladesh Physiotherapy Association has received international recognition from WCPT (2007) in Vancouver.
- In Pakistan there are 8 colleges offering Bsc. Physiotherapy and 2 colleges offering Msc in PT. Physiotherapists have a good scope in government and private hospitals and they are awarded 17 grade pay scale and one college Riphah Institute of Physical Therapy is offering now DPT (five years duration) and tDPT(two years).In this way Pakistan has become the third country offering DPT in the world.
- In Australia, a few different programs are available at both undergraduate and post graduate level. The physiotherapy degree can be undertaken over a 4 years period as an undergraduate or 2–3 years post graduate with the early components being predominantly theoretical including basic anatomy, biology, physics, psychology,kinesiology, goniometry and physiology. In the latter half of the degree students partake in practical components focusing on musculoskeletal physiotherapy, neuromuscular physiotherapy, paediatric physiotherapy, geriatric physiotherapy, cardiothoracic physiotherapy, and women's health. The program generally progresses with an increasingly clinical focus and usually the final year involves practical placements at clinics, and research. Australian programs offer either the (B.Physio, BSc (Physio), M.Physio, or DPT) degrees.
- In Canada, entry-level physiotherapy education is offered at 13 universities. Some of these university programs are at the Master's level, meaning that applicants must have already completed an undergraduate degree prior to applying; all of them are slated to be at the Master's level by 2010. Many universities also offer graduate programs in physiotherapy, rehabilitation, or related disciplines at the masters or doctoral level. Many physiotherapists may advance their education at these levels in such Clinical Practice Areas as cardiorespirology, geriatrics, neurosciences, orthopaedics, pediatrics, rheumatology, sports physiotherapy, and women's health.
- In New Zealand, there are currently two schools of physiotherapy offering four-year undergraduate programs. Many New Zealand physiotherapists work in the private health care system as musculoskeletal physiotherapists and the curriculum reflects the need to prepare graduates for autonomous practice. Students follow an educational program similar to Australia with an emphasis on biomechanics, kinesiology and exercise. Postgraduate study typically involves three years of subject specific learning.
- In South Africa the degree (B.PhysT, B.Sc Physio or B.Physio) consists of four years of general practice training, involving all aspects of Physiotherapy. Typically, the first year is made up of theoretical introduction. Gradually, time spent in supervised practice increases until the fourth year, in which the student generally spends about 80% in practice. In the fourth year, students are also expected to complete Physiotherapy research projects, which fulfills the requirements of an Honours degree. Professional practice and specialization can only be entered into after a state governed, compulsory year of community service is completed by the student after graduation.
- In the United Arab Emirates the Bachelor Of Physiotherapy (BPT) consists of a 4 year undergraduate degree program. In the first year of the program they are introduced to pre-clinical subjects such as Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Human Behaviour & Socialisation & Basic Medical Electronics & Computers. The students also get hands on experiences in cadaveric dissections while learning Human Anatomy during the first year of the program. The students progressively are introduced to supervised clinical practice and the integrated curriculum offers the best learning experiences in addition to extensive inhouse elearning programs. The course offers Case Based Learning experiences and focusses on Evidence Based Practices. The program culminates with a six month internship ending with a research project work.
- In Spain a physiotherapy student is required to complete 3 years of training after having passed a university entrance exam. After completing a physiotherapy program, another exam can be taken to work for the public health system of an autonomous community, or a graduate can work for private hospitals, clinics, etc. There are 43 universities with physiotherapy faculties in Spain.
- In the Republic of Ireland, Physiotherapy is available as an undergraduate course in four universities,, Trinity College, University College Dublin, Royal College of Surgeons and University of Limerick. Courses are four years in length with clinical practice in the final two years. Students are required to complete 1000 hours of clinical practice before graduation.
- In India, universities offer undergraduate program of physiotherapy with four years of academic and clinical program and 6 months of compulsory internship. There are over 250 colleges offering undergraduate program in physiotherapy (BPT) and more than 50 colleges offering masters in Physiotherapy (MPT) with 2 years duration. PhD in Physiotherapy is offered in some universities of the states Maharashtra, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu.
- In Sri Lanka, Physiotherapy is available as a Diploma course for 2 years in School of Physiotherapy & Occupational Therapy, which is affiliated to the National Hospital of Colombo from 1957. After the 6 months of classroom training students are sent to hospitals for clinical practice. During the 80's foreign students from Australia, Belgium have studied at the Physiotherapy School. From the year 2005 Medical Faculties of University of Peradeniya & University of Colombo have started the undergraduate course for 4 years.
- In Taiwan, Physical Therapy is available as a four-year undergraduate course in 14 universities. There are also three junior colleges to provide a five-year program. Clinical practice is required in the final year of the both programs mentioned above. Once a student graduates from the PT program, he/she is then required to pass a national licensure exam administered by the Ministry of Examination, Taiwan, R.O.C. Many universities also offer graduate programs in physical therapy, rehabilitation, or related disciplines at the masters or doctoral level.
- In Kuwait, Physical therapy B.Sc degree can be obtained after graduating from Kuwait University (4 years program). Students learn to asses patients and document their progress at their 2nd year and start going to hospitals to have their practical learning from 3rd year. After graduating they can apply to work at hospitals, and they start their job by passing through a training year where they can practice their skills even more. During that year they have to be trained in the following schedule: 2 months general hospital, 2 months orthopedics, 2 months rehabilitation, 2 months neuro, 2 months and half pediatrics, 1 month cardiopulmonary, and 2 weeks of gyna or sport medicine. After that they can chose to be specialized in one of those paths to continue his journey on. Physical therapy in Kuwait is very promising though we lack the availability of post graduation programs unfortunately.
- In Malta, Physical Therapy B.Sc (honours) is available as a course which can be obtained after finishing a four year course at the Institute of Health Care of the University of Malta. This course involves all aspects of Physiotherapy. Students have an intensive 3 year theoretical course after which the s/he spends the last year doing clinical placements (in total = 4 years). Students learn how to assess and treat patients. To be able to secure a license to practice as a physiotherapist, one must be able to pass some practical exams which involves both assessment and treatment. In the fourth year, students are also expected to complete a physiotherapy research project, which fulfills the requirements of an Honours degree.
- In Italy, known as "Laurea in Fisioterapia (abilitante alla professione sanitaria di Fisioterapista)", it is a three-year full time degree taught in the Faculty of Medicine of many Italian Universities. The course is an intensive mix of class time and mandatory internship right from the first year. Internship is such an important part that the number of hours dedicated to practice progressively increases reaching half of the program by the third year. There are no special requirements to be admitted to the Bachelor's degree; students from various backgrounds can access the program, previous passing an 80 question pre selection test. This test is implemented to all those courses known as "numero chiuso" or close access to limit the number of participants. Depending on the Faculty and course between 30 to 400 positions are available each year. To be selected one has not only pass the examination but finish in the top positions required to enter. For all para-medical degrees each Institution can select its own test which it held simultaneously in all Universities, whereas for Medicine the test are administered by the Ministry of Education. Importance is given to the initial exam and a "close number" is paramount. This maneuver controls the job market, hence prodiving secure occupation to those who finish.
- ^ Description of Physical Therapy - The World Confederation for Physical Therapy (WCPT)
- ^ American Physical Therapy Association. "Discovering Physical Therapy. What is physical therapy". American Physical Therapy Association. Retrieved on 2008-05-29.
- ^ American Physical Therapy Association Section on Clinical Electrophysiology and Wound Management. "Curriculum Content Guidelines for Electrophysiologic Evaluation" (PDF).Educational Guidelines. American Physical Therapy Association. Retrieved on 2008-05-29.
- ^ American Physical Therapy Association (2008-01-17). "APTA Background Sheet 2008". American Physical Therapy Association. Retrieved on 2008-05-29.
- ^ Wharton MA. Health Care Systems I; Slippery Rock University. 1991
- ^ Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (n.d.). "History of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy". Chartered Society of Physiotherapy. Retrieved on 2008-05-29.
- ^ Knox, Bruce (2007-01-29). "History of the School of Physiotherapy". School of Physiotherapy Centre for Physiotherapy Research. University of Otago. Retrieved on 2008-05-29.
- ^ Reed College (n.d.). "Mission and History". About Reed. Reed College. Retrieved on 2008-05-29.
- ^ Roosevelt Warm Springs Institute (n.d.). "History". About Us. Roosevelt Warm Springs Institute. Retrieved on 2008-05-29.
- ^ McKenzie, R A (1998), The cervical and thoracic spine: mechanical diagnosis and therapy, New Zealand: Spinal Publications Ltd., pp. 16–20, ISBN 978-0959774672
- ^ McKenzie, R (2002). "Patient Heal Thyself". Worldwide Spine & Rehabilitation 2 (1): 16–20.
- ^ Lando, Agneta (2003). "History of IFOMT". International Federation Orthopaedic Manipulative Therapists (IFOMT). Retrieved on 2008-05-29.
- ^ American Physical Therapy Association (n.d.). "APTA Sections". American Physical Therapy Association. Retrieved on 2008-05-29.
- ^ [1]
- ^ a b c d e Inverarity, Laura; Grossman, K (2007-11-28). "Types of Physical Therapy". About.com. The New York Times Company. Retrieved on 2008-05-29.
- ^ Cameron, Michelle H. (2003). Physical agents in rehabilitation: from research to practice. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders. ISBN 0-7216-9378-4.
- ^ Bunce SM, Moore AP, Hough AD (May 2002). "M-mode ultrasound: a reliable measure of transversus abdominis thickness?". Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon) 17 (4): 315–7. PMID 12034127.
- ^ Wallwork TL, Hides JA, Stanton WR (October 2007). "Intrarater and interrater reliability of assessment of lumbar multifidus muscle thickness using rehabilitative ultrasound imaging". J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 37 (10): 608–12. PMID 17970407.
- ^ Henry SM, Westervelt KC (June 2005). "The use of real-time ultrasound feedback in teaching abdominal hollowing exercises to healthy subjects". J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 35 (6): 338–45. PMID 16001905.
- ^ The Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy (2008-01). "For Consumers - Physical Therapy". The Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy. Retrieved on 2008-06-03.
- ^ American Physical Therapy Association (2008-04-18). "Number of PT and PTA Programs as of April 18, 2008" (PDF). American Physical Therapy Association. Retrieved on 2008-05-29.
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