2010. 7. 28. 22:35

티스토리 아이폰 웹으로 쓰는 글입니다

앱으로 올리는 첫 글인데

잘 올라갈까요?

iPhone 에서 작성된 글입니다.
2010. 7. 26. 23:41

Mapping the Mind (한글판 뇌맵핑마인드) 두번째 판(Revised and Updated Edition)이 나옵니다

Mapping the Mind (한글판 뇌맵핑마인드) 두번째 판(Revised and Updated Edition)이 나옵니다.

상당히 흥미있게 본 책인데, 
뇌에 관심 있는 일반인들께 추천합니다. 

1판은 번역 틀린 곳이 좀 많아서 아마존에서 헌책 구입했는데^^
이거 또 구입할 필요는 없겠죠?

2010. 7. 26. 23:35

Shirley Sahrmann의 새로운 책 소식이 들리는군요

"Movement System Impairment Syndromes of the Extremities, Cervical and Thoracic Spines" 올 10월 출판예정입니다

현재 아마존.com에서 예약판매 중인데,


지갑에서 카드를 꺼냈다 넣었다 고민중입니다 ^^

이건 책에 대한 설명입니다~

BBook Description

Use Sahrmann's proven method to diagnose and treat musculoskeletal pain

Product Description

Extensively illustrated and evidence based, Movement System Impairment Syndromes of the Extremities, Cervical and Thoracic Spines helps you effectively diagnose and manage musculoskeletal pain. It discusses diagnostic categories and their associated muscle and movement imbalances, and makes recommendations for treatment. Also covered is the examination itself, plus exercise principles, specific corrective exercises, and the modification of functional activities. Case studies provide examples of clinical reasoning, and a companion Evolve website includes video clips of tests and procedures. Written and edited by the leading experts on muscle and movement, Shirley Sahrmann and associates, this book is a companion to the popular Diagnosis and Treatment of Movement Impairment Syndromes.

  • An organized and structured method helps you make sound decisions in analyzing the mechanical cause of movement impairment syndromes, determining the contributing factors, and planning a strategy for management.

  • Detailed, yet clear explanations of examination, exercise principles, specific corrective exercises, and modification of functional activities for case management provide the tools you need to identify movement imbalances, establish the relevant diagnosis, and develop the corrective exercise prescription.

  • Case studies illustrate the clinical reasoning used in managing musculoskeletal pain.

  • Evidence-based research supports the procedures covered in the text.

  • Over 360 full-color illustrations -- plus tables and summary boxes -- highlight essential concepts and procedures.

  • A companion Evolve website includes video clips demonstrating the tests and procedures and printable grids from the book.
2010. 4. 16. 22:04

지구, 어디까지 가봤니?

제가 방문해 본 나라들입니다

방문해본 국가를 지도에 표시해 주는 사이트가 있어
한 번 표시해 봤습니다

지구, 어디까지 가보셨습니까?
아직 가봐야 할 곳이 많군요~ ^^

2010. 4. 16. 17:09

Cinderella hypothesis

The Cinderella hypothesis is based on earlier finding by Henneman et al. (1965), showing an orderly recruitment of motor units - the smaller functional units of the muscle - in response to static muscle load. Small, low-threshold motor units (type Ⅰ fibers) are always recruited first, before large ones, and these low-threshold units are assumed to remain constantly active until complete relaxation of the muscle. Motor units with higher thresholds are activated at higher force levels and are shut off as soon as the force level decreases. This means that the low-threshold or 'Cinderella' motor units are constantly active under sustained physical work, whereas motor units with higher thresholds are activated only during heavy physical work.